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Fecondazione ivi

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In Italia, fino a pochi anni fa, non era possibile fare ricorso a questa tecnica di fecondazione eterologa, vietata dalla legge. Since 1992 he has been working at the IVF Center at the “Casa di Cura Santa Maria” in Bari and he led the IVF center from 2001 to 2008. 451 views, 5 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 3 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from IVI Italia: La Fecondazione Eterologa genera sempre molte domande e dubbi nei pazienti. In IVI Istituto Valenciano di Infertilit, l’ ovodonazione si caratterizza per percentuali di successo elevatissime: il tasso di gravidanza clinica dopo tre tentativi riesce a raggiungere quasi il 97. In 2015 he was appointed as Permanent Director of the Advanced International Course on Ultrasound and Human Reproduction at the IAN Donald Inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound. He has participated at numerous International Conferences such as Invited Speaker and Congress Chairman.ĭomenico Baldini is the Medical Director of IVF Center of MOMO’ fertiLIFE Srl.

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He is the author of 12 books, more than 234 papers in high-ranked journals, and 62 book chapters. He is also winner of numerous awards: the "Malpighi Foundation Award" in 2005, Rome, Italy the "Cambridge Top 100 Modern Medicine Health" award in 2010, Cambridge, England the first prize of the "Chicago Congress Of The Birth Award" in 2011, Chicago, USA "BMA Medical Book Awards 2015" with the book “Uterine Myoma, Myomectomy and Minimally Invasive Treatments'', London, England. From 2014, he has National Authorization as Associate Professor in Obstetric and Gynecology, National Health Government, Italy. From 2008 to 2010, he was Visiting Professor at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Perugia, Italy. Cosa vuol dire diventare genitori con la fecondazione assistita Vi raccontiamo la bellissima esperienza di due pazienti IVI, che si sono affidati ai nostri. From 2005 to 2008 he was director of the Medical Drawing School at the Sapienza University, Rome, Italy. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the International Translational Medicine and Biomodeling Research Group, Department of Applied Mathematics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia.


He has made in his professional career more than 14000 surgical operations. Since 2002, he is a Senior Chief of Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Santa Maria Hospital, GVM Care & Research, Bari, Italy. In 1991, he also completed specialization in Biochemical and Biophysical Monitoring of the Foetus at the University of Bari.

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Antonio Malvasi graduated in 1983 with a first-class honours in medicine from the University of Bari, Italy, where he subsequently completed his specialization in obstetrics and gynaecology with honours.

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